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Our Commitment to Veterans

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

When you’re in the business of making the world a better place, you pay particular recognition to those who are doing the same.

Scale Facilitation® proudly supports all veterans and recognizes their courage in risking their safety to protect the safety of others.

We are a proud hiring partner of the Special Operations Transition Foundation (SOTF), which is a non-profit organization committed to helping Special Operations Forces (SOF) veterans transition from the military into their next successful career.

Our partnership with SOTF has led us to employ a team of highly-skilled Scale Officers, including Jeff Boers, Mike Winn, and Don Kingston, who you can read more about on our Scale Facilitation® Channel,

Aside from our team of Special Operators, we support a range of Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB), either as suppliers or resellers.

Dove Momodu is the President & CEO of Black Lion PRM Services and spent ten years in the Psychological Operations Command of the U.S. Army Reserves.

Black Lion PRM Services is one of the SDVOB’s that has been supported onto the lucrative New York State 5-year contract by our Scale Facilitation® Channel, SaniteX Global.

Dove says, “Having support [Black Lion PRM] onto the New York State 5-year contract is a recognition of the consistent results [Black Lion PRM] delivers.

“As a relatively new Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB), the opportunities this contract, along with our relationship with, provide are huge.”

Scale Facilitation® Channel, has committed a portion of every Smart Analytical Model (SAM) License to Donors Choose and SOTF, which, if just 20% of New York schools buy a license, may easily exceed $500,000.

Within SAM, which is a predictive procurement tool integrated with a vetted eMarketplace, has created the option for preferential procurement, allowing users to choose to prioritize procuring SDVOB products.

Scale Facilitation® is constantly looking for ways to support veterans, whether through employment, as resellers or suppliers, or through charitable practices.

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